
Phone: 715 - 384 - 2115
Fax: 715 - 207 - 0397

905 Tiny Tigers Court
Marshfield, WI 54449

Informational Guide


We believe it is important for responsible parties to know how their participant will be spending his/her time while attending CDS. We offer a wide range of activities. Each person participates based upon his or her own level of ability and interests. We provide a stimulating, helpful and caring environment in which each participant is comfortable and has meaningful things to do. There are 8 domains that our programming will concentrate on: cognitive, physical, creative, recreation, spiritual, social, intergenerational and individualized programming. Our programs will also facilitate intergenerational activities on a daily basis. Participation in these activities are encouraged but not required. When necessary we provide minimal assistance in toileting, grooming, dressing and personal care.


A well-balanced morning and noon meal is served each day in addition to a mid afternoon snack. Special diets are available. If needed, CDS may contract with a local food service provider.


We encourage families/care providers to provide transportation to and from Companion Day Services. CDS staff will assist with transportation plans upon request. The costs associated with transportation are not included in the charge for program attendance.

Acceptance Process

As part of the acceptance process, CDS staff will schedule a conference with the participant, family or responsible parties to discuss how the participant might best be served by CDS. This is a time for the participant and/or responsible party to learn and get acquainted with staff.

Attendance Schedule

Upon acceptance, a regular schedule of attendance will be established. Schedules of attendance are based upon responsible party and participant needs. Some participants attend only a few hours one day per week, while others attend all five days. We encourage the participant to attend at least two days per week so that there is adequate time for involvement in the entire activity program.


We ask participants not to come to CDS if they are ill. Individuals that arive at CDS with a communicable illness or develop such an illness while at CDS will be asked to leave in order to protect the health and welfare of the other participants. Staff will automatically attempt to contact the participant or responsible party when there is an unexcused absence, out of concern for the participant's safety.

Weather Conditions

Out of concern for our participants and family members we ask that you take inclement weather into account prior to traveling to Companion Day Services.

Bowel or Bladder Control

If a participant occasionally has an accident with regard to bowel or bladder, please send along extra clothing in a plastic bag marked with his/her name, which can be stored at CDS. If any form of protection is used such as "Attends" or "Depends", please send these along as well. It is for the benefit of the participants that we make this request.

Tobacco Free Environment

Companion Day Services is a tobacco free environment.

Change in Status Procedures

We ask that family members or emergency contact people inform CDS staff when there has been major changes in a participant's general functioning or medical condition. We will notify emergency contacts when we observe changes to enable the participant to seek prompt medical or supportive care during a time of changing need.

Participant Rights

Enclosed in the acceptance packet is a complete description of participant rights and responsibilities while attending Companion Day Services. There are procedures available to file grievances with Companion Day Services if something would arise. We encourage participants and responsible parties to bring their questions, concerns and/or needs to the attention of CDS Director. If the Director is unable to assist, feel free to ask to speak to the CDS Board of Directors.

Confidential Information

It is contrary to the interest of those we serve, to give out information regarding participants. All information should be held in strict confidence and should not be discussed with anyone other than the participant and/or responsible party. Inside CDS such information should only be discussed when it will benefit the care we provide to adults and their families.

Responsible Party Involvement

Companion Day Services staff welcome responsible party involvement and input with regards to programming, activities, and services that truly meet the needs of participants. Participants or family members interested in serving on the Board of Directors should express their interest to CDS staff.

Companion Day Services is intended to provide respite for responsible parties. Planned activities and outings may provide new opportunities for responsible parties and participants to enjoy socializing together. Responsible parties are encouraged to inform the CDS Director whenever they wish to participate in an upcoming outing or social event.

CDS staff is available for consultation with responsible parties as needed. Please call during regular scheduled hours to arrange a meeting. All meetings with responsible parties are kept confidential.

Universal Precautions

For the safety of participants, staff are trained in and will practice universal precautions to avoid direct contact with bodily fluids or any chemicals used in the course of operation.

Incident Reporting

If a participant is involved in an incident while at CDS that affects his/her health, safety or welfare, an incident report will be completed and the responsible contact will be notified if immediately necessary. Emergency procedures will be followed if needed/appropriate.

Emergency Procedures

If a participant becomes ill while at CDS, we will notify the emergency contact person. He/she may need to transport the participant home or to a medical facility. The participant will be kept comfortable and isolated from other participants to protect privacy and avoid transmission of communicable illnesses. If the situation appears critical, we will call the Marshfield Ambulance Service first and contact the emergency contact second. Each participant must have emergency contacts on file. The Emergency Treatment Consent gives Companion Day Services authority to seek emergency medical care for the participant if needed.

No staff member, volunteer, visitor or any other person may be on the premises of the intergenerational center during hours of operation if the person exhibits: symptoms of illness, communicable disease transmitted by normal contact or behavior which gives reasonable concern for the safety of the participants.

Discharge from Companion Day Services

Participants may leave the program for different reasons but it is usually due to changes in health status or caregiver circumstances. CDS staff will keep participants and/or responsible parties up to date on status in the program. If there are concerns, they will be discussed. CDS staff will make all attempts to continue to give great service to all participants. If there are concerns about whether CDS can continue to provide services, CDS staff will discuss concerns with the participant and/or responsible party and arrangements will be made for discharge from the program as appropriate. If there is not an emergent need for discharge from the program, the participant and/or responsible party will be given 10 days notice prior to the discontinuation of services to allow for a smooth transition time out of the program. Participants will be open to a reassessment in the future if the reason that they were initially discharged is resolved.

Companion Day Services reserves the right to involuntarily discharge a participant if it is determined we cannot adequately care for the individual or if he/she becomes a danger to themselves or others. Participants and their responsible parties will be consulted before any involuntary discharge. Participants or their responsible party have the right to appeal the decision to discharge. To appeal, the participant and/or responsible party will present their appeal in writing to the Director who will present the appeal to the Board of Directors for a final decision.

Medication Policy

It is Companion Day Services policy that all medications be handled in a professional manner and within the guidelines of CDS policy. Staff will dispense medications according to physician orders in one of the following ways:
Participant Self Administered: Staff will prompt the participant and observe him/her taking the medications. Medication lists must be reviewed and updated annually by the prescribing practitioner.
Staff Administered: Staff will assist with appropriate administration according to the physician orders.

If CDS staff need to administer medications while at the program, the following information must be provided to Companion Day Services to be placed in the participant's record:

  • A written order from the prescribing practitioner, which must be reviewed and updated annually.
  • A listing of current medications with the dosage, frequency and route of administration.
  • Written information describing side effects and adverse reactions of each medication.
  • Over the counter and prescription medications in the original labeled container. Provide the prescribed medication in a pharmacy bottle with clear directions for dispensing and medication information sheets (available from the pharmacy) on each drug.
  • Permission from the participant and/or responsible party to administer medications.

  • Medications are stored in a secured location and must be signed out by staff in charge on a dose by dose basis and noted on the daily medication log. Only staff authorized and trained to administer medication will assist with medication dispensing. Non-licensed staff must consult with the prescribing practitioner or pharmacist about each medication to be administered. Volunteers, students and visitors are specifically prohibited from checking out or dispensing medications. CDS will not keep over the counter medications on hand for general participant use.


    Companion Day Services staff believe in an Open Door Policy. We ask that you bring concerns directly to staff for assistance with resolution. If CDS staff, including the Director, are unable to assist, then we encourage you to contact the Board of Directors. All efforts will be made to work out a fair and workable solution with all those involved. If you still feel as if your concerns are not being heard you may contact the Office of Quality Assurance at (715) 365-2856.